Being an old fogey, I haven’t really taken to social media … I still try to communicate through email, though that means I’ve actually lost touch with several people over the past few years as they’ve switched to other methods.

But I guess I’ll have to start moving with the times.

Since starting this blog, I’ve occasionally received comments or personal emails from readers (including filmmaker Christopher Monger who sent me an appreciative email about something I wrote about his early films a year or so ago, and a note from Daphne Harrie, the granddaughter of Titanic 2nd Officer Charles Lightoller in response to my post about my own family connection with her grandfather), which I always appreciate … but while these notes are personally gratifying, apparently Twitter does wonders for my site traffic …

Checking my site stats this morning, I discovered a massive spike in visits for yesterday, which I tracked back to having the link to last Wednesday’s post about John Dies At the End tweeted by none other than director Don Coscarelli himself, with the comment “Very strange to read a piece that sums up your entire career in just a few paragraphs”

While I often feel as if I’m writing this blog in a void, it’s moments like this that help me keep going. What were the chances even a few years ago that what I’d written would have reached Coscarelli himself, and done so almost the moment I published it? And that he would instantly be able to pass what I wrote on to hundreds of other people?


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Blasts from the past

Titanic: a personal footnote

Recent Viewing part 1

Pandemic viewing, Part One

Recent Viewing part 3: brief notes