Podcasting again …

I’m not quite sure why, but thirty-seven years after I first met and interviewed David Lynch my writings about him, Eraserhead and Dune seem to be gaining a bit more interest now than they did at the time. (Too soon to say whether a positive reference in Lynch’s new autobiography, Room to Dream, will give an added boost.) Less than a year after I was interviewed for a podcast out of Minnesota, I was recently contacted by Swedish filmmaker Henrik Möller with a request to talk about my connection with Lynch for his podcast Udda Ting (Other Things). A quick check on-line showed that I’d be in very good company – recent episodes focused on Richard Stanley, Hampton Fancher and Buddy Giovinazzo. Many episodes cover classic and contemporary horror and fantasy writers and filmmakers.

Just a few days after the invitation, I found myself talking to Henrik for an hour-and-half, despite it being very late in the evening for him in Sweden (he was seven hours ahead of me). It was an engaging conversation which covered my experiences with Lynch, both in researching my article on Eraserhead and subsequently on-set during the shooting of Dune in Mexico. As always, someone else’s enthusiastic interest brought back some vivid memories (and the feelings associated with them).

A few days later, Henrik posted his edited version on his podcast. Needless to say, I had to get over my initial horror at hearing my own voice, but even though I’d been involved in the conversation I found it interesting to listen to. (Unfortunately we had some problems connecting at the start and ended up having to do it over cellphone, so the audio quality isn’t optimal.) The intro and wrap are in Swedish, but the conversation itself is of course in English.

Henrik has made more than sixty experimental short films in the past two decades, plus one feature. The latter, Feed the Light (2014), takes H.P. Lovecraft’s The Colour Out of Space as its starting point. I just ordered a copy of the Blu-ray and look forward to seeing it soon.


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