Updating Cagey Films

CageyFilms new sister site FlickNotes provides additional tools for exploring our content
CageyFilms new sister site FlickNotes provides additional tools for exploring our content

Regular visitors to this site have no doubt already noticed the recent changes in design. The original design had been around for over a decade and no longer reflected the purpose of the site, which was once intended to promote my freelance work as an editor and sometime producer-director. Over the years, as that particular career slipped away, the main focus became the writing for my blog – an ongoing record of the movies I watch, with reviews and essays aimed at sharing my thoughts rooted in decades of thinking about movies and studying cinema history.

Over the past eleven-and-a-half years, with some eight-hundred posts, I’ve added around a million-and-a-half words covering more than 2500 movies. That’s a lot of material to navigate, so my friend Steve has not only foregrounded the blog; he’s added some additional tools and functions to aid readers in exploring the content. We’ve had Title and Director indexes to aid browsing for some years and now each page contains a box highlighting random posts from the archive which shuffles every time the page is refreshed. These “blasts from the past” suggest numerous channels into the accumulated archive of posts.

In addition, we’ve launched a supplementary site called FlickNotes to provide an additional way in. This draws on the CageyFilms Title index and pulls in metadata and brief descriptions of each movie from TheMovieDb.org, including director and cast information and a poster to quickly identify the movie, along with a link back to the original post(s) on CageyFilms. As with the main site, FlickNotes has index and search functions in addition to ongoing listings which are updated as each new blog entry is posted.

We hope that these modifications and additions, along with full mobile functionality, will make the CageyFilms content more user friendly and accessible for both new and returning visitors



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Blasts from the past

CarFree premiere

Raro Video and Italian genre cinema

Harry Dean Stanton’s swansong: Lucky (2017)

Criterion Blu-ray review:
Luis Garcia Berlanga’s The Executioner (1963)