Classic Howard Hawks on Blu-ray

Walter Burks (Cary Grant) tries to railroad ex-wife Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell) into staying with the newspaper in Howard Hawks' His Girl Friday (1940)

His Girl Friday (1940) and Only Angels Have Wings (1939), two of Howard Hawks’ most critically acclaimed movies, have received excellent treatment from Criterion on Blu-ray, along with a restored transfer of Lewis Milestone’s pre-code adaptation of Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur’s play The Front Page (1931), the source of Hawks’ cynical 1940 romantic comedy.

Blasts from the past

The One, True Doctor and the Passage of Time

Late summer viewing, part two: Thrills and Chills

Blu-ray Review: Mama (2013)

DVD of the Week: Loving Memory (1970)
