Twilight Time: Fantasies of romance

A studio exterior on the soundstage, giving Guess Who's Coming to Dinner the look of a TV sit-com

In two recent Blu-ray releases Twilight Time showcase different romantic fantasies; in The World of Henry Orient the world is seen through the eyes of a pair of adolescent girls infatuated with a concert pianist, while in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Stanley Kramer attempts to make an interracial relationship acceptable by using the familiar forms of a sit-com defuse the social implications which at the time would be seen as threatening by many in the audience.

Blu-rays from Kino Lorber

Detective Bo Lockley (Michael Moriarty) in the climactic elevator standoff with "Stick" (Tony King)

Kino Lorber have been offering a wide range of movies in generally fine transfers, from the work of Jean Rollin and Jess Franco to poverty row exploitation classics, ’70s Italian exploitation, foreign and arthouse titles, and recently a number of titles from some of the more obscure byways of the ’70s.

Binging on Twilight Time

Recent binging on Twilight Time Blu-rays ranges from politics to comedy to science fiction, absurd studio productions and idiosyncratic independents; from the Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions to the overthrowing of a future society of privileged immortals to underhanded contemporary business wars, from dinosaurs deep inside the Earth to the destruction of an alien race on the moon.

The “good German” in war movies

Major Grau (Omar Sharif) witnesses General Tanz (Peter O'Toole)'s pleasure in destruction in Anatol Litvak's The Night of the Generals (1967)

A decade after the end of World War Two, with Germany now an important ally against the Soviet bloc, popular culture was making an effort to rehabilitate the former enemy by showing “good Germans” in the movies. Twilight Time have recently released a couple of examples on Blu-ray: Edward Dmytryk’s The Young Lions (1958) and Anatole Litvak’s The Night of the Generals (1967).

Blasts from the past

Vin Diesel: fitting in

Guest post: William K. Everson & British Film part 2

Recent Asian releases from Eureka

Genre On Disk, part two
