Two More from Twilight Time

Richard Attenborough gives his finest performance as serial killer John Reginald Christie in Richard Fleischer's bleak true crime movie 10 Rillington Place (1971)

Twilight Time have released two very different movies on Blu-ray: Ralph Nelson’s religious parable Lilies of the Field, which won Sidney Poitier the first ever best actor Oscar for a Black star, and Richard Fleischer’s bleak 10 Rillington Place, the true story of British serial killer John Reginald Christie, which features Richard Attenborough’s finest performance.

Criterion Blu-ray review: Richard Brooks’ In Cold Blood (1967)

The atmospheric introduction of Robert Blake as Perry Smith in Richard Brooks' In Cold Blood (1967)

Criterion’s Blu-ray of Richard Brooks’ In Cold Blood (1967) gives the film a stunning visual presentation and enhances it with a substantial collection of supplements dealing with the original murder case, author Truman Capote’s approach to reporting the story, and the stylistic and technical innovations brought to the project by Brooks and his collaborators.

Blasts from the past

Random notes: two films and a book

“Art films” and the nature of boredom

Criterion Blu-ray review: Jan Troell’s The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972)

DVD Review: The Sword Identity (2011)
