Project Update: October

It’s always tough to be original, but I was made nervous last year as I started on my documentary about Winnipeg movie theatres when I learned that local writer Russ Gourluck was working on a book about Manitoba movie theatres called Silver Screens On the Prairie. Russ has written a number of books on local […]

In the beginning …

I recently started work on a documentary about the history of movie theatres and movie-going in Winnipeg. A brief article about the project in the Winnipeg Free Press has brought an amazing number of calls and emails from a wide range of people who have quite passionate memories of the old neighbourhood theatres and the […]

Lost and Found

I recently re-read two of my favourite film books. The first was published in 1971, and I’ve read it maybe five times since then. The second was published twenty years later, in 1991, and I’d only read it once before, back in the early ’90s; I just read a reprint put out a few years […]

Damn cellphones!

A few weeks ago, in a post about things I dislike in movies, I mentioned the death of narrative at the hands of modern communications technologies. I just came across this July 28 column by Joe Queenan in the Guardian on-line edition, in which he elaborates on the same issue. I’m glad to know I’m […]

Reading movies

The recent guest post here about William K. Everson by my friend Howard Curle reminded me that I have a copy of Everson’s Classics of the Horror Film (Citadel Press: Secaucus, N.J., 1974), which I hadn’t looked at … well, probably in a couple of decades. Dipping into it and re-reading some of the chapters, […]

Blasts from the past


Recent Arrow releases, part one

Late Summer Viewing, part 2

Cronenberg in transition: Scanners (1981)
