Remaking and undoing horror

For some reason, I just watched Zack Snyder’s remake of Dawn of the Dead (2004). I’d seen it when it first came out and found it pointless, but since then have discovered an odd, inexplicable appeal in Snyder’s work. He’s a lousy storyteller, with little sense of narrative pacing, but has an undeniable talent for […]

DVD Addiction

I’m addicted to DVDs, and like many addicts I’m somewhat ambivalent about my substance of choice. Back in the day (and I am old enough to use that expression) I got a pleasure out of watching movies that I don’t seem to get so much any more. In some ways this seems strange because in […]

Blasts from the past

David Lynch book now available

When Horror Came to Shochiku: from absurd to apocalypse …

Noriaki Yuasa’s intimate Yokai horror

John Paskievich’s Special Ed debuts at Hot Docs
