Recent Viewing 2

Continuing my partial round-up of recently watched movies … The Innkeepers (Ti West, 2011) Ti West is a filmmaker whose work I really want to like, but each film comes as a letdown – except for his second feature, Trigger Man (2007), a terrific exercise in minimalist terror about three buddies out for a day […]

Recent Viewing part 2

I’ve been falling behind on my notes about what I’ve been watching, so I won’t be going into a lot of detail here, just making a few observations about some of the movies I saw in the past month. The Oxford Murders (Álex De La Iglesia, 2008) Spanish director Álex De La Iglesia has a […]

Recent Viewing part 1

The completist impulse is a key element of the collector’s mentality. For instance, I have forty-nine of Hitchcock’s features on DVD, plus his two Second World War propaganda shorts and season one of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. It’s not that I like all his films – in fact, I know I won’t ever watch some of […]

Year End 2011: video

Not surprisingly, given the amount of time I spend watching movies at home, I came across quite a few worthwhile titles during the year. I’ve already written about many of these in this blog, so will just offer capsule comments here (in no particular order) about ones that I particularly recommend. Dramatic features The World, […]

Recent viewing, part 2

You could make an interesting double bill out of Daniel Barber’s Harry Brown (2009) and Joe Cornish’s Attack the Block (2011). Both are set in crime-ridden British housing estates where residents are terrorized by youth gangs, both have a gritty tone which strives to create a sense of relevance and immediacy. But while they have […]

Gualtiero Jacopetti (1919-2011)

Italian journalist and filmmaker Gualtiero Jacopetti died August 17, at age 91. Together with co-director Franco Prosperi, Jacopetti invented what became known as the “mondo” movie – after the title of their first collaboration, Mondo Cane (Dog’s World, 1962). The essence of the genre was shock – documentaries that displayed strange, disturbing aspects of human […]

Background Detail

If I’m in a room talking to someone and there happens to be a bookcase nearby, or a shelf of DVDs, I become easily distracted from the conversation as I try to read titles to get some idea of the other person’s tastes and interests. A similar thing happens when I watch a movie: if […]

Two worthwhile websites

While looking for information about a couple of movies, I recently came across two websites I hadn’t previously been aware of, both of which are packed with interesting material. Midnight Eye, co-edited by Tom Mes, ubiquitous expert on all things cinematically Japanese, is a great-looking site devoted to Japanese film. It’s got a rich selection […]

Blasts from the past

The art of silent film: Anthony Asquith’s Shooting Stars (1928)

Guest Post: From Film to Flipbook to Film

Revisiting two more old favourites

Criterion Blu-ray review: Ride the Pink Horse (1947)
